Wednesday 24 September 2014

Representation Theory

Stuart Hall's reception theory is split up in to three parts which are dominant reading, negotiated reading and oppositional reading. Dominant reading is when the viewer accepts what has been shown in the video as its what they would expect. The video above by Beyonce 'Run The World' is a great example of accepting of what has been shown. We denote many girls wearing revealing clothes which makes sexualised towards males and conforms with Laura Mulvey male gaze theory women are objectified for men. We denote Beyonce wearing black clothing with a lot of flesh been shown connoting with the devil with tempting males in this sense. Negotiated reading is when  the viewer accepts it to an certain extent but in a way resists to point of how it reflects to their own experience and interest. Miley Cyrus 'Wrecking Ball' is a great example of a young man being sexually content with the gaze of her being naked on a ball whereas he could also resist from it if he has a daughter knowing he wouldn't want that to be her. Oppositional reading is when the viewer totally against what is being viewed for example Lil Durk 'Gas & Mud' we denote scenes with drugs which may totally unacceptable to certain viewers as they believe it could influence the younger generation.

The Male Gaze Theory was first used by Laura Mulvey and she believes women's bodies are being used as sex objects for mens viewing pleasures. At 1:15 seconds we denote, an extreme close up of Jennifer Lopez bum which clearly conforms with Laura Mulvey's theory as she wears a swim suit which brings out her bum which is to catch the male attention. There is a positive message the female audience can take from this video is to be proud of what you got and show it off and most females nowadays are very insecure. From another point of view girls can be aspired by these two females sexually and high confidence.However, the negative connotations of the video are the insecurities of not having the sexualised bodies the two females have.

Voyeurism is watching something for your own pleasure. For example, a lot of the time in R&B videos we normally see a lot of women being objectified as objects for their body whereas in this music video by Trey Songz 'What's Best For You' we denote a birds-eye-view shot of Trey Songz topless with two females next to him watching him which shows voyeurism for the viewers as they could imagine being with the topless male in bed. In addition in 'Mirrors' by Justin Timberlake we denote at 6:39 seconds we denote a medium wide-shot of Justin Timberlake looking sophisticated with his blazer turtle neck and trouser with many mirrors around him meaning we see Justin Timberlake many times and this is done for female pleasure. Furthermore, we denote a close up in Nelly Gone Ft Kelly Rowland at 2:04 seconds how happy kelly rowland looks with Nelly on top with there topless which shows the pleasure men can also be used towards female which subverts with Laura Mulvey's theory.

John Burger's theory of Ways of seeing is when different audiences may have different ways of seeing the video. For example, Lil JoJo '3Hunna K' we denote at 0.39 seconds the character points the gun at the camera and a young hoodlum would find that amusing and accept what is being shown whereas a white middle-class male may feel intimidated and may see this as scary and unacceptable. In addition, in Nelly and Kelly Rowland 'Gone' video at 2:04 seconds we denote a close up of Kelly Rowland wearing clothes and Nelly on top of her topless and she is smiling showing her pleasure of sexualise of Nelly topless this shot subverts Laura Mulvey's male gaze theory.

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