Thursday 18 September 2014

Year 12 Skills Development

How creative were you last year?
Last year I believe I was very effective in my creativity with the work I produced. Initially we started off the year with a prelinimary task where I didn't have any skills or the iniative to input my own insights of media techniques. For the first task we made  a short story that we filmed in groups of five. Our teacher allowed us to go out of our own way and record elsewhere. When we came back we had not produce the sufficient quality of a year 12 media student. I didn't use various of camera angles and shots and I moved around a lot without using the tripod. As we started to get introduced to the main part of our course we learned many media techniques which I used in my final product. In my final product I used various of shots, which included close ups, extreme close ups etc. these two shots signified the fear in the characters face when the were about to be attacked in our thriller scene. Also I used silence for about three seconds to build up suspense to the loud bang that came out of nowhere to shock the audience. Also we used thriller conventions like creaking doors and child whispers. This was done to conform thriller genre and was done successfully. Also characters were dressed up in black to create an atmosphere of fear and evil and the use of dark colours and lighting showed my creativity as the aim was to conform the thriller conventions.

What digital technology did you use last year?
The digital technology I used last year concluded of: mobile phones, digital camera and final cut pro. Our mobile phones were used as evidence of doing work out of lessons to ensure we were independent, we also took pictures that we intended to include in our film. The digital camera was our main digital technology we used as if we didn't then we wouldn't be able to make a 'quality' footage. Lastly, final cut pro was the last digital technology used which was the finishing touch with editing the footage we filmed with our digital cameras.

What research and planning did you do last year in order to be successful?
Last year I did 12 pieces of work of research and 14 pieces of work planning. The three main researches I done for my thriller film was exploring the concept of genre, codes and conventions of a thriller film and Alfred Hitchcock. I believe exploring the concept of genre made me successful because  searching what genres there are and what they contain was essential to know what my thriller is about and know what to include in them; It will also make me more certain and sure about what I'm doing which is vital because if I don't know what I'm doing I could produce less than I could have if I do know. Researching codes and conventions of a thriller film was the route of the success as knowing what is in a thriller film helped me include what I included like the dim lighting, candles and various of camera shots and angles. Lastly, Alfred Hitchcock was another important research as he is the director who started thriller films and is the expert of thriller codes and conventions. He is known for his famous films he has created: Psycho, The Wrong Man, The Murder, I Confess etc. The three main planning work we done was the character profile, equipment list and risk assessment. The character profile was essential because it helps us know a brief description about the character and idea of how they're likely to act. I believe knowing the equipment is essential because if we don't go over what equipment we need it could delay us from completing our final product in time. I researched the thriller genre on the internet where I used youtube to search up various types of thriller films where I got an input of every video I viewed and aspects of them I implemented into my own final production. I also created a survey which I handed over the many of my peers and adults as my target audience was aimed at 18 year olds and above as what I implemented to my final piece would be inappropriate for people underage. The feedback from the survey helped me out a lot as  I was able to find out that many people dislike predictable scary thriller movies which I was able to act on but doing the unexpected to suit the audience needs and wants. Lastly, the risk assessment was essential because it helps us know what we need to prevent before it happens as we need to keep the equipments and most importantly the actors safe.

What post-production technology did you use last year?
The post-production technology we used last year was Final Cut Pro. At the beginning of the year I didn't know anything to do with editing and everything on FCP was new to me. As the year went by I learnt know how to cut footage and put them elsewhere. Also I learnt to mute the sound of the footage that may have no importance of to our thriller film. In addition, I learnt to input different filters and sounds that wasn't initially from the footage. In conclusion, at the end of the year I believe I learnt using the main bits of FCP and to improve I would suggest I explore what certain buttons do on FCP.

What conventions did you apply to your coursework?
I used many thriller conventions last year. The three main are: close-ups, heavy brass and gaussian blur. Close-ups are used often in thriller films to create a sense of intimacy between the character and characters. This shot is normally used when a character is about to be attacked. This helps the audience to engage and empathize with the victim’s sense of fear. Thriller films tend to have a heavy brass, which helps to connote the sense of danger. This usually helps to give the audience a sense of danger we would be expecting, due to the heavy brass. I was able to include gaussian blur which is an edit on final cut pro and was effective because it creates a sight of wondering whats happening and creates tension as the audience will be waiting and wondering what is being blurred.

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