Tuesday 13 January 2015

Weekly Blog Ten

In this week we started filming our music video. Our first scene was located at the Mohamed's house who was playing the role of Yungen the artist. We chose this location as we were able to alternate the house in the manner we want without any hazards or risks of anyone. This scene was specifically shot in the front room which was there setting we was looking for with clothes all over the sofas, floor and all sorts. This was done to be able to create the atmosphere of negativity and represent the character in the past and how he used to live which as explained in the lyrics. Although explained in the lyrics were wanted to ensure it is visualised clearly so the audience are attached to the video and empathise with the character. The reason for the messy state the front room was to enable that the character symbolises the fact he is lonely and wasn't looked after which is said in the lyrics but was essential to be visualised in order for the target audience to be able to understand his situation. Through filming we used a variety of shots to symbolise many things. A birds eye-view shot was shown he surroundings when using his hoody to cover himself whilst sleeping which supports the lyric when he says: ''Has your house been so cold that you can't sleep'. A close up is shown of his face to show the frustration in his eyes of his current situation in the scene. I believe this week was a success with including the various of shots and generic conventions through them.

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