Tuesday 27 January 2015

Weekly Blog Twelve

In week twelve we started planning for our magazine cover where created a rough copy of what we want it to look like.  When creating our sketch we had to decide what image would be best for the front cover as of the course of last week we went out to take pictures for our magazine cover. Me and my group came to a conclusion of what we want image to use and we came to this conclusion through putting ourselves into the audiences positions of what feeling they'll receive from the magazine advert which was denoting the hood sense our artist has. Later on in the week we got images and started testing them on photoshop and experimenting with the varieties of tools on photoshop as it was the first time using the software.

Here is an example of me experimenting with different tools and effects in photoshop. I wasn't really familiar with photoshop and my editing skills wasn't up to scratch. I did learnt how to merge pictures together as you can see at the top hand left we denote the characters hand on a phone box.

Below is the image of our sketch of our magazine cover where we have place at the top graffiti style writing which as done to be able to attract the intended target audience of young black males. I believe sticking to keeping the generic convention of the font blatantly shows the audience what type of music video they're expecting which will automatically grab the audiences attention. The main image of him taking up most of the page was done to show his high status and what big of star he is.

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