Monday 16 February 2015

Weekly Blog Fifteen

This week we have finalised all three products to a good standard. Through the past weeks I have developed my editing skills quite thoroughly and I believe I have incorporated various of generic conventions of grime videos and as well as subverting them too. For example, we incorporate the crucifix cross on our digipak and magazine cover in order to a create an interlink with the music video where he mentions God. Being able to show this shows the unique touch we have has a group to subvert the conventions of drugs, half-naked women, luxury clothing etc. Although we may have used a luxury car and jewellery in some scenes it wasn't the main focus.

Above is the completion of my magazine cover.

Above is the completion of my digipak.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Weekly Blog Fourteen

In this week me and my group was finalising our two other media productions digipak and the magazine advert which was done to create an interlink with the music video before people view it.  We had to ensure we had showed the codes and conventions of grime videos through the two media products.  Through the experience of looking at other types of digipaks we was able to use those ideas to be able to incorporate them into our own music video. For example, Jay'z & Linkin Park's digipak  used graffiti writing which is a generic convention we decided to take on and pursue in our own digipak too as we believe sticking to the codes and conventions would allow our intended target audience to notice what type of genre their looking into when looking at our digipak. 

Maintaining the theme of our colour black and blue for both media products was done to show a consistent and blatant approach towards the music video. The colour black was used to represent the dark side of his life in other words his past before he came the artist he is today. In comparison the colour it was used to show the clear juxtaposition of his past with the bright side of his current life we is really positive being a grime artist and having all the things he couldn't and didn't have in his past. It was essential that it was clear that the artist had a bad past with visual references as well as the lyrics as the audience visualising the scenes of him in the past would enable to them to be able to relate and empathise with the artist. As well as making it clear of his past it was also important to show them his progression of where he is today which could play a big role in influencing the intended target audience and even the secondary target audience to work towards what they want.

Here we are able denote the digipak that i got the generic convention of graffiti writing.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Weekly Blog Thirteen

After a week of more recording we got back to editing the work we had filmed during the course of the week. When editing it was very difficult due to ensuring the footage cuts to the beat and the lip syncing is absolutely spot on to maintain professionalism. As well as doing that we had to ensure as well as lip syncing we had to make sure the actions related to the lyrics for the seconds he wasn't rapping into the the camera. We had to cut off a lot of scenes in order to get everything in place ensuring it looks and sounds right. We successful in enabling to gather a range of shots that would go well together in order to suit the music video. What made our job easier was the passion of our cast to perform well enough for it to be convincing the artist was meaningful with his lyrics.

To, conclude I learnt this week the in depth struggle of editing ensuring there isn't shots longer than 5 seconds as it could be seen as boring and too long for the audience to watch. Ensuring shot were 2-3 seconds long was one of the hardest parts due to how many different shots and angles you'd have to implement into the scenes. Although we managed to make progress i believe we could have made more effort in our editing through experimenting far more effects and transitions. Due, to the unproductiveness of time keeping we didn't get to as much footage as we could have done with the time scale we were given.

Further improvements would be to able to use my time productively to be able get more work done.