Thursday 30 April 2015

Evaluation Part 5

For our final production we used technologies that really helped us progress and played a huge part in completing our final product. Technology was used at all three different stages which was: pre-production, production and post-production.


 I used OneDrive to convert videos into blogger.  OneDrive was very successful as i was able upload files such as videos to convert into blogger which was very helpful as it was safe on OneDrive through having an account i was also able to access at home.

  Google drive was used to upload files such as images and videos. This was successful as I could communicate with my group members as we saved worked in the drive which was kept safe and emailed any work we had allocated to ourselves. Also because i don't have access to a Mac outside of lessons this technology allowed me to be able to access work from the drive after saving it from the Mac in school.

Blogger was used to upload work to keep track of coursework. Blogger was successful as it was a new technology that was introduced to us this year. Last year, we saved work on the computer and for you to access the outside of lessons was to have a USB and a disadvantage was if you lost the USB you lost your work. Whereas blogger enabled you to save work online and was accessible at home and also accessible elsewhere as they also had an App so I was able to access my work from my phone.

  Twitter was used to contact my artist to ask for permission to use his video. This was successful as I got in contact with my artist through social media and asked for permission in the direct messages on twitter. This use of technology allowed me to see the social trends which i was able then to consider implementing into our final production.

   This was used to edit the audience feedback and cut out scenes that were disruptive and irrelevant. This was very successful as this advanced technology of being able to using features such as the blade tool in final cut pro allowed me to cut out scenes that had no relevance to the video.

  Powerpoint was used to present our idea to our class mates. This was successful as this application was useful in order for me to express what I'd like my video to look like. Also the visual references i was able to show through the slideshows helped the audience be able to understand my vision for the music video I want to produce.

   This was used to take pictures of our media products and taking pictures of locations. This was successful as through taking pictures of our media products I was then able to implement them into my blogger to show the flat plan before creating it. It was also a success as i took pictures of locations where me and my group 
The film camera was used to film the music video. Using the film camera was very successful as it was a technology i used last year and quite used to it. A tripod is required to use in order for footage not to be too shaky but i decided i wanted to be more free with the camera so it was hand-held. 


  Photoshop was used for editing our magazine cover and digipak. I believe to photoshop was initially unsuccessful  as it was my first year experiencing the software. I believe i created a well produced magazine cover but my digipak could do with a huge improvement. Towards the ending i developed my skills in this area as i was able to use the magic wand and lasso tool which initially i didn't have no idea of how to use or what they do.

  Twitter was used to post and share our music video. I used social media to gain qualitative feedback as twitter approved easy to use and saved time as the feedback was immediate through retweets, favourites and people leaving their views under the post.

This was used to upload our final production to receive feedback. After the final production i used Youtube to upload my final production which was a success through receiving feedback of both positive and negative. I believe it was a success as it gives me the information i need to be able to improve for next time which wasn't a software i used last year for the post-production.

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