Thursday 23 October 2014

Written evaluation feedback

Overall, I received very positive feedback from my peers and one constructive criticism which I intend to improve on. For example, one piece of positive feedback was the great explanation I gave for each slide with confidence with not reading off the boards and letting the presentation flow. The first peer questioned why I chose my star, 'Yungen', which was because I believe I could easily produce a video for the specific song chosen due to deep understanding of his lyrics and I have a beautiful vision of how I would like it to be portrayed. This would be through using the various of shots used for specific parts of the song.  For example, one of my peers asked me what shots I intend use ; I would like to use a two shot of the main character and his sister having fun to show the good relationship they have.  I would also like to show a clear juxtaposition of his past and present which will include flashbacks of him struggling in the past and in the present he's performing on stage and living the grime artist life they everyone denotes. I was also praised for explaining why I wanted to use each location I mentioned and costumes I want my character to wear.

Week One - Blog Reflection

Week One

My initial ideas for my music videos is to create a clear juxtaposition of fortunate and less fortunate. This is because my music video is for an artist rapping about his life. He says: 'Yungen is living a dream, CJ is living a nightmare' this shows that although he is a star he is still struggling with issues within real life like everybody else. In addition, Yungen started from humble beginnings within the street life and has struggled through to reach what he loves doing. I will emphasise this through the use of clothing showing how he looked before he became the artist 'Yungen'. Also I would like to show a clear contrast of how he acted without all the materialistic things he may have now as 'Yungen' this will help my video to be realistic and help the audience understand the concept of the video.

I would like to use the idea of Meek Mill's video into my video because there is a clear contrast of fortunate and less fortunate people. We denote this at 1:40 seconds where a medium wide shot has been shown to see the expensive clothing chains and designer shades whereas at 1:41 seconds there is a clear juxtaposition of the rich and poor lifestyle where we denote a medium wide shot of men topless and dirty outworn shirts.

I would also like to implement the idea of Ed Sheeran video as it is an R&B video which subverts most of the codes and conventions of and R&B video with props like expensive chains, watches, clothing, house etc. whilst this scene is set near a tube station and park locally which I could implement into my video as its costly.

I would like to work with Cherly & Timi because I believe us three working together will pull of a great music video with each of us implementing our own strengths into the music video. Also the idea with having a girl in our video was done to get a females perspective on the music video incase the the group was full of males and we was a bit biased. Also I have good experience with working with  Timi from last years project and we worked in a boys group and although our end product was good the communication between us all wasn't as good and I believe with the new addition to the group will work together well and pull off a good music video.

My hopes and fears are not being able to pull off my creative ideas to reality. This is because in my head I imagine it as perfect and I am worried how will I actually implement my thoughts to reality. Also the absence of characters is something I fear as that can delay getting the music video done in the due date.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Music Video Pitch

Feedback Pitch Video

The feedback video included what went well in my pitch and what could do better. Firstly, first feedback I received was from Roxanne where she said she really liked it and believes I explained every step in detail including why I want to use certain locations, costumes and his personal life. I believe it was essential to ensure I explained in detail what I want my video to look like in order for the audience to be able to picture what I have in mind. Roxanne questioned why I chose Yungen as the star i'd like to create a video for which was because he hadn't produced a video for it but only the audio and I believed i had a vision of the best way it could've been presented. I was also asked what camera angles I intend to use which was a birds eye view of the artist in the room alone to symbolise isolation. This was my vision to do so in order for the narrative video to relate to the lyrics when being played.

I was also questioned of what types of characters I was intending to use and why I chose the specific people to fulfil the role which was because I believe young black males could be able to relate to the video and take on the role passionately with being able to act confidently like how the artist Yungen feels and also because i believe they'll be reliable in the sense of knowing them personally with the advantage of them being available more time.

Another feedback I received was what other videos I viewed before making my decision to pick yungen. I was able to research several other genres and i believe grime was the genre i could relate to most and a young teenager as most of the lyrics and what goes on in them are relatable to young teenagers. The final decision was Yungen as he differed to many other grime artist through subverting the conventional aspects of them such as drugs, half-naked women, luxury assets and many more. I wanted a challenge to be able to put a music video that didn't include all those generic conventions.

The audience also said they watched a grime video with a bunch of males rapping into the camera and would like to know if i would portray that into my final production too. I didn't want to implement that common generic convention into my final production as i wanted to be unique and be able to have my own ideas of a narrative video.

When presenting my pitch I listed the equipment i intended to use such as tripod, film camera and still camera and the audience were curious of why i may need a still camera which was because if i filmed a scene next to a prop such as a bin i'd use the camera to take a picture of where i was located for future references incase i wasn't able to finish the scene on the same day.

I was also praised for the annotations of the lyrics as they related to the locations I showed to the my class mates. I believe it was quite important for the lyrics to be able to relate to the locations as it gives the audience a better understanding of how the character is feeling.

Monday 6 October 2014


This video is by Meek Mill and Rick Ross called ''Off The Corner'' and it interests me because in my video I would like to produce a video with the juxtaposition of poor and rich people. We denote this at 1:40 seconds where a medium wide shot has been shown to see the expensive clothing chains and designer shades whereas at 1:41 seconds there is a clear juxtaposition of the rich and poor lifestyle where we denote a medium wide shot of men topless and dirty outworn shirts. This is the type of image I would like to create for my video. This video reaches out to a wider target audience but most importantly to black boys who may have came from difficult backgrounds and may see this as an inspirational message they can be rich even if you started off poor.

This video by Young Adz ft Dirtbike & Aero Sinc called ''Squad'' interests me because of the various of big name cars like Range rovers, Audi R8 V10, Audi Q5, Feffari etc. and the Rolex watches and chains in the video. Although, I will not have the funds to afford any of the items used in this video i'll like to emulate them in a way. For example, I'll use my mums interior car desgin to show certain parts of the video and for the exterior shots I'll use my neigbours luxury car. At 0.16 seconds we denote a close up shot of a rolex watch which will target two types viewers. The first type of viewer will be the one who can relate and are capable of purchasing it and the second type of viewer will be the one who wish they had and are incapable financially of purchasing it. In addition, we denote a medium wide shot of the interior design of the car which shows the importance and value of the Audi brand of the car.

This video by Nines called 'Money On My Mind' in this video we denote the rapper empty out a Moet bottle all out see many chains watches and cars. Although there is no contrast of rich and poor which is what i'll like to include in my video the rich side to it interests me as they're things i'd like to include in my own video. One thing dislike about this video is the arrogance of the character which isn't what my character to be portrayed as although he is showing his success that he is blatantly rich by wasting a whole bottle of Moet champagne but i believe it isn't appropriate espescially to people who are unable to afford the champagne.

This video is by Ed Sheeran  and is in and R&B music video and is shot in black and white and subverts from the expected R&B videos of half-naked girls, money, cars & chains. I really like this video becasue it supports the funds I have as the quality of the video is average and the costumes in the video suits what my character will wear as at  1:22 seconds we denote a male wearing nike trainers jeans and a hoody which is the look i want to give my male character. In addition, the video is original and shot in black & white which connotes the idea of depression and bad vibes which is going to be in my video. The most important part of this R&B video I really like is the unexpected of the R&B generation with all the conventional aspects like money, cars, jewellery etc whilst this video is the complete opposite with the casual look and clothing.

This video is by Stooshe and is pop music video and conforms with the pop culture with constant smiles on the girls faces and the colourful atmosphere is created through the use of costume and props. This video interests me because of the variety of colourful costumes. I would like to use colourful costumes and atmosphere when my character is in my music video performing on stage. At 0.46 seconds we denote a medium close up shot of the three artists performing which is a shot I would like to use in my music video as you visualise the expressions of the artist face and also their chest and above where you see the flashy props around their necks and wrists etc. Enabling this into my music video will help conform with this pop video of colourful props and flashy items.