Tuesday 2 December 2014

Week Four - Blog Reflection

In week four, me and my group sat down to discuss our plan for music video and decided who's video we was going to use. My group consisted of two people including me making three and we decided to choose my music video because we believed we could use a range of effects and conventions for this specific song. We also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of working together as a group.

I'll now list three advantages and three disadvantages of working together


1. Easier to share workload.
2. More ideas are shared and can be put together to make a great final piece for our music video.
3. Working in a group can boost confidence of individual members of our group.


1. Decisions make take a while to take place because of disagreements on particular actions a group member may want to take.
2. Conflicts may occur and members may take some comments wrongly which will be taken personally and decide not share their great ideas that may be vital to the group.
3. If there is no motivation in at least one member of the group then they may feel unimportant and will contribute less to the teams effort.

On a whole I prefer working in a group as I believe more work gets done and everyone has their own unique strengths and weaknesses that can contribute to the teams success. Also, disadvantages can be avoided by criticizing the idea and not the person so it is not taken personal and also the way things need to be said needs be said with respect.

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